February 10, 2024 | Minecraft Donations | 3 minutes read
Have you ever wanted to report a Minecraft server for offering p2w services, donation items, or even ranks?
To report a Minecraft Server for breaking the EULA created by Mojang, you can submit a Report a Concern form, anonymously, and get the server taken down. However, this form works only for online servers, as Mojang cannot interact with offline ones.
Thousands of Minecraft servers collect funds by selling a wide variety of digital items for real-world money. However, they are enforced to strictly abide by the Mojang EULA. It’s a terms of service page, which gives strict rules on how server owners should use their Minecraft server software, and what is forbidden.
In that case, selling items digitally is not forbidden in any kind of way. So is the creation of server plugins and other software. However, if server owners decide to sell items that could be acquired by real-world money only, break the EULA. With that said, Mojang does not allow servers to have P2W (pay 2 win) elements, inside Minecraft. One of the sneakiest ways currently available is through selling crate keys.
Since crate keys contain powerful items, server owners can easily sell them, since players can then exchange them for in-game money, and defeat the p2w purpose.
On the other hand, most servers such as Hypixel try to sell you cosmetics, such as prefixes, ranks, and other non-p2w items.
To report a Minecraft server for not abiding by Mojang’s EULA, you will need to open an anonymous ticket and report the server. Start by visiting the Report a Concern Form. Once inside, you will need to read the Mojang commercial terms. Afterward, verify that you have understood the commercial use guidelines.
To report a server, you will need to:
Request a server type – Select report a server.
Your Email Address & Confirm Email Address – Requires the email address, which you play Minecraft under.
Server’s name – The actual name of the Minecraft server (not how you had saved it).
Server’s website URL – The homepage of the website you are reporting (e.g. Minecraft.net).
Server’s Store URL – The shop page, where the server is selling (e.g. Minecraft.net/shop).
Server’s DNS/IP Address – The address you use to connect to the Minecraft server.
Server’s Contact Information – The email address, under which the server responds to.
I am reporting this server for – Choose the reason for the violation. Make sure to choose the proper one, as staff cannot ban the server otherwise.
Any other information – Try to explain what you found to violate Mojang’s EULA. You can go into detail, as it will help the support understand better.
Attachments – Include images of the violation. This can include violations in the shop pages, chat violations, and others.
If the reported Minecraft server is indeed violating Mojang’s EULA, it will get shut down from service. However, this works only for “online servers”, or in other words, works under the Mojang API. If a server “mode” is set to “offline”, the server will not respond to Mojang’s API, so it may not be taken down instantly. However, Mojang/Microsoft have been fighting against other servers for violating.
Rad is the lead writer for the MineLabz team, dedicated to writing content for Minecraft enthusiasts. Combining Minecraft and Marketing, Rad creates all kinds of articles for the server development community.