Purchase MineLabz Donations for $1 with code "newstart" for the first month or try it for free Try for free

Minecraft Donation Alerts

Donation Alerts is a plugin made to showcase donations on your Minecraft server in your chat messages.

MineLabz Donation Alerts

Minecraft Donation Alerts features

Have you ever wanted to boost the donations on your Minecraft server, and look professional like Hypixel or ManaCube?

Check out the features we have prepared for your to capture payments.

Setup monthly donation goals

Create unlimited donation packages

Special effects and rewards on donations

Display donations in a professional manner

Fully integrated with MineLabz Donation

MineLabz Donation Alerts Showcase
Display Monthly Donation Goals

Minecraft Donation Alerts with MineLabz Donations

We have fully integrated our donations sytem to work with Donation Alerts. This means that each donation made through our system, will be directly shown on your server!

MineLabz Image 1

Get a free Minecraft website for your server

Make your server look more professional with our WordPress designed themes. Our store is perfectly aligned with the needs of your players, and guarantee donations when bundled with our MineLabz donations.

We have prepared everything for you to start your journey with Donation Alerts.

Need help?

You can view the MineLabz wiki, and use the associated commands, or ask us for support on our website.